Poisoned Apples

Title: Poisoned Apples

Author: Christine Heppermann

Release Date: Available

Poetry and YA aren’t usually two genres that mix, with the exception of a few authors such as Ellen Hopkins. So, naturally, as a poetry buff, I was intrigued when I heard of the premise of Christine Heppermann’s Poisoned Apples.

The book is a compilation of fifty free-verse poems that cleverly twists classic fairytales to depict the emotional and physical struggles of becoming a teenage girl. While many of the poems, such as “If Tampons Were for Guys,” are lighthearted on the surface, underneath, all of the poems all brilliantly satirize society’s construct of beauty and its physical expectations for women. The humor is dark and twisted, yet honestly portrays the inherent hypocrisy and sexism present in society today.

Powerful black and white images of young girls make Heppermann’s message even more powerful. Often simple and elegant photos of girls in plain, long dresses, the images represent society’s expectation of innocence and purity that Heppermann so brilliantly satirizes in the book.

Although it is a short read, Poisoned Apples is a brilliant work of satire, and a compelling read, even for those who are not fans of poetry.

Reviewed by Danielle

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