
By Danielle Chemtob

Title: Splintered

Author: A.G. Howard

Release Date: January 2013

Everyone has heard the story of Alice in Wonderland. That is, everyone knows Lewis Carroll’s version of the story. But what little Alice really saw when she went down the rabbit hole is a far cry from what the enchanting tales have told audiences for years. And Alyssa Gardner, Alice’s great-great-great granddaughter, is seeking the truth behind the classic adventures. Ever since Alice’s journey, madness has been in her family. In order to outrun her fate, Alyssa must follow in Alice’s footsteps and discover the truth behind the twisted tales in Wonderland.

It doesn’t take long for her to find out that Wonderland is full of dark, powerful magic that she could never have predicted. Alyssa is accompanied into Wonderland by her best friend and crush: Jeb. But soon upon arrival, she meets another mysterious figure, Morpheus, who seems to know her inside and out, but may have dark intentions. Still, she can’t help but find herself drawn to him, even though he may bring out a different, darker side in her.  But regardless of Alyssa’s feelings for him, he is essential to her if she wants to break her family’s curse forever.  He soon leads her on a course to fix the damage that Alice caused so many years ago.

This novel was a gripping, intriguing read that combined fantasy with action and romance. This novel does an excellent job of turning characters from the beloved tales into dark, disturbing creatures.  The constant number of twists in the plotline kept me on edge and made it impossible to put the book down. A.G. Howard, a new author, does an incredible job of establishing a fantasy world and keeping the reader hungry for more. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, and hope that she will choose to write more books about her mysterious, brooding Wonderland.

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  1. Danielle, thank you so much for this amazing review! My google alert (it’s something authors subscribe to so we can keep up w/who’s talking about our books… LOL) led me here, and I’m so happy it did! I can’t tell you how excited I am that you enjoyed my story and characters. They were SO much fun to write about! If SPLINTERED is well received enough, well, maybe my publisher will let me write a second one. 🙂 Thank you again, and so nice to meet you.

    If you’d ever like a signed bookmark or some Splintered swag, shoot me an email. I believe in giving back to the readers!


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